What is MTN Branded Store?
Branded Stores are mini branches managed by a third party and offering the same services and experience as the traditional MTN branches.
What is the purpose of an MTN Branded Store?
Branded Store are a business opportunity for all
Who can be eligible to own an MTN Branded store?
Anyone with a good financial background.
You are invited to log on the platform, maximum amount to be invested.
People must not have a known and direct business relationship with the competition.
What will MTN contribute?
Mtn will support the partner in the training of its staff and the monitoring of the Branded store performance.
How will we reach the public?
The tender is open to all digital channels (Twuiter, Facebook, Linkedin ...)
Areas and districts concerned for the opening of the Branded Store
Insert the regions and districts of your choice
It is also possible to indicate areas of your choice during the submission
What are the obligations of the service provider?
To comply with the specifications provided by MTN (validated design, building requirements, shop, furniture and technical furniture (Destop office, etc.).
The partner will have the possibility to sell other equipment that is not part of the MTN catalogue and of the competition as long as they are approved.
What are the characteristics of the space of an MTN Branded Store?
Size – 40 m 2 spaces per store minimum
How will the Partner be remunerated?
The Partner will be remunerated according to his achievements and in relation to the objectives set, both qualitative and quantitative.
The profit generated by the shop belongs entirely to the Partner.
What are the human resources of a Branded Store?
A minimum of 3 agents as staff
Depending on the scope of the activity, the partner could increase the number of staff
The recruitment of staff must be aligned with the profile proposed by MTN.
What will be the minimum opening hours?
Monday to Sunday, details on hours will be communicated
How will customer queries be handled?
MTN Branded Store employees will have a clear channel for handling queries according to the agreed list of services.
Can I buy MTN products wherever I want?
No, purchases will be made at the service centre closest to your area.
How will I know if my application for a Branded store has been validated?
You will be contacted by email or by call on your registered number in the platform